Lab Personnel

photo of Modesto A. Rojas, MD

Modesto A. Rojas, MD

  • Assistant Research Scientist (2014 - present)
  • Funding:
  • NIH Title: Role of ACAT1 in Pathological Retinal Neovascularization
photo of Tahira Lemtalsi, BA

Tahira Lemtalsi, BA

  • Research Associate
  • Ms. Lemtalsi manages the cell biology laboratory and tissue culture facility.
photo of Zhimin Xu, BS, MS

Zhimin Xu, BS, MS

  • Research Associate
  • Ms. Xu manages the molecular biology lab and transgenic animal colony.
photo of Syed Adeel Zaidi, PhD

Syed Adeel Zaidi, PhD

  • Assistant Research Scientist (2020 – present)
photo of Wei Xiao, PhD

Wei Xiao, PhD

  • Postdoctoral Fellow (2021 – present)
photo of Luke Qin

Luke Qin

  • First-year Medical Student




Syed Adeel H. Zaidi, PhD

Augusta University researcher secures prestigious grant for research to prevent blindness in premature infants

Syed Adeel H. Zaidi, PhD, an assistant research scientist who studies retinal neurovascular biology in the Vascular Biology Center of the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, has received a prestigious grant from the Knights Templar Eye Foundation for his research on blindness in premature infants.

Augusta University researcher secures prestigious grant for research to prevent blindness in premature infants

Medical College of Georgia scientists work to protect the vision of premature babies

In the spiraling cycle that can lead to vision loss in premature newborns, Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University scientists have found a new target and drug that together appear to stop the destruction in its tracks.

Medical College of Georgia scientists work to protect the vision of premature babies
Auri awards

Six Faculty Members Honored at AURI Awards

William and Ruth Caldwell receive the Lifetime Achievement award. Pictured with Brooks A Keel, Gretchen Caughman, and Michael P Diamond

Six Faculty Members Honored at AURI Awards



Member Activities & News


Syed Adeel Zaidi


Dr. Syed Adeel H Zaidi receives grant & Dean's Diary Mention

A $90,000 Career Starter Research Grant to Dr. Syed Adeel H. Zaidi, who is working to develop a new therapy to limit the neuronal and vascular damage associated with retinopathy of prematurity. This condition is among the most common in premature or low birth-weight babies and is a major cause of long-term vision impairment and blindness.  This new grant, which is Dr. Zaidi’s first, will help him test a new therapy for ROP in a mouse model before seeking approval and funding to move on to clinical trials. This gift is just the latest in a long history of giving by the Knights Templar, who dedicate their efforts to improving vision through research, education and supporting access to care.  Congratulations, Dr. Zaidi.


Drs. Fouda and Shosa

Dr. Fouda and Dr. Shosha

receive poster competition postdoc awards in the VA research week.

Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center, Augusta.






Drs. Shosa Excellence award

Dr. Shosha

receives award in Excellence in research by a postdoctoral fellow, Augusta University, Graduate Research Day









Drs. Shosa PhD

Dr. Shosha

receives her PhD degree with distinction










Drs. Shosha VDI award Research Day

Dr. Shosha

receives James and Jean Culver Vision Discovery Institute Award, Augusta University, Graduate Research Day.








Drs. Shosa Research Day 2016

Dr. Shosha

receives Excellence in Research in Vascular Biology, Augusta University, Graduate Research Day.